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Dermaroller Set for Cellulite, Pregnancy Marks & Stretch Marks

Original price was: 74,97€.Current price is: 66,97€.

(4 customer reviews)

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Three-piece BB Shine Dermaroller Set to fight and smooth pregnancy marks, stretch marks and cellulite. With highly concentrated Hydralift Serum, Dermaroller and Sanitizer.

SKU: 1024 Category:

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Individual dermaroller set with top effectiveness, tailored to your needs.

– 1x 0.75mm dermaroller
– 1x 100ml Dermaroller Sanitizer
– 1x sterile Hydralift serum
– acts against pregnancy marks & stretch marks
– helps with cellulite
– effective microneedling at home
– impressive results in a short time

The Dermaroller:
– 0.75mm penetration depth
– 192 real (!), precise needles
– certified & tested product
– High quality processed
– with anti-slip coating
– incl. Premium storage box
– Durable & resistant
– lasts up to 6 months

– stimulates blood circulation
– supports the regeneration of the skin
– activates collagen synthesis
– stimulates elastin synthesis
– Active ingredients are deeply infiltrated
– occupied, excellent results

The perfect solution for home users.

  • Hallo, ich habe diese Streifen an dem Bauch und sogar an den Oberarmen was mich optisch echt stört. Ich hab mir dieses Set bestellt, weil es mir von meiner Kollegin empfohlen wurde. Bin zufrieden, hab es jetzt ein paar Mal verwendet und denke dass ich nächsten Sommer wieder Ă„rmellos rumlaufen kann. Serum muss man öfter Nachkaufen, Den Roller nutze ich ca. drei Monate.
    Christine28. September 2022
  • Habe mir das Set fĂĽr meine Cellulite an den Innenschenkeln geholt und muss sagen das ich erste Erfolge sehe. Ich hatte vor der Nutzung echt mehr Dellen. Nutze es jetzt zwei Monaten.
    Paula14. July 2022
  • Tolles Serum, schnelle Lieferung und sehr gute Nadelqualität.
    Nele M.29. April 2022
  • Das Teil funktioniert richtig gut. Ich habe diese Art von Produkt schon einmal verwendet, also wusste ich, was mich erwartet. Achte aus hygienischen GrĂĽnden darauf, deinen Roller vor und nach dem Gebrauch zu reinigen, mit dem Spray. Und halt dich an die Anleitung, damit du nicht ĂĽbertreibst. Ich empfehle dieses Set besonders, wenn du gerade erst anfängst.
    Stefanie M10. April 2022

• 15ml Serum mit Hyaluronsäure und Süßholzwurzelextrakt
• enthält den Anti-Aging Wirkstoff Lecithin
• besonders hochkozentriert und wirksam
• kann Hautschäden reparieren
• reduziert Cellulite
• glättet Narben
• bekämpft Abbau von Kollagen- & Elastinfasern
• für bis zu 30 Anwendungen
• cruelty free
• hergestellt in der EU
• speziell konzipiert für Microneedling
• Dermaroller- & Dermapen geeignet
• geöffnet 12 Monate haltbar

Inkl. steriler Spritze und KanĂĽle zur einfachen Entnahme und Dosierung.


Lecithin – hilft der Haut Schäden selbst zu reparieren Flecken zu mildern und ihre Elastizität zu verbessern.
Hyaluronic Acid  spendet tief in der Haut intensiv Feuchtigkeit, sorgt für prallere Haut, glättet Falten und Linien.
Glycyrrhiza Glabra Root Extract – wirkt entzĂĽndungshemmend, antibakteriellen, antioxidativ und kann Ăśberpigmentierung reduzieren.

Was ist Glycyrrhiza Glabra Root Extract?
Auch bekannt als echtes Süßholz oder Süßholzwurzel Extrakt. Die Staude kann bis zu 2 Meter hoch wachsen und hat ihren Ursprung in Asien. Dieser Wirkstoff ist sehr gut verträglich, wirkt entzündungshemmend, antibakteriell und antioxidativ. Zudem hemmt es das Enzym Tyrosinase, welches bei der Synthese von Melanin in der Haut eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Es kann so auf natürliche Weise Überpigmentierungen reduzieren.

Dieses Serum enthält keine PEGs, Paraffine, Mikroplastik sowie Duft- oder Farbstoffe.

The 0.75mm Dermaroller shows excellent efficacy in the treatment of:

– noticeable scars
– Pregnancy & stretch marks
– Cellulite



❌ untested device
❌ quickly breaks down
❌ uncontrolled injuries
❌ Fake needles
❌ non-sterile serum with fillers
❌ is shipped from Asia


âś… certified, safe device
âś… very durable
âś… excellent results
âś… 100% real needles
âś… Serum made in DE
âś… 24h shipping from DE

You can find your detailed instructions for the Microneedling Treatment here.

Microneedling has shown high effectiveness in various studies.
The skin is targeted with sterile needles to inflict minute injuries.

– 1. regeneration of skin cells is stimulated
– 2. blood circulation is increased
– 3. elastin & collagen synthesis is increased
– 4. active ingredients enter deep into the skin

Over time, the skin’s own regeneration becomes slower and slower and the synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases. That is why the skin of older people also looks completely different from that of young people. This is exactly where microneedling comes in: The targeted, safe micro-injuries to the skin awaken the body’s own repair mechanism. Collagen and elastin are synthesized again in greater quantities.

The small pinpricks act like channels through which the active ingredients of serums reach exactly where they are needed. The effect is thus increased by up to 10 times.

Unlike many other cosmetic industry promises, microneedling has real evidence of effectiveness in the form of studies. Here is a small excerpt:

D. Fernandes et al. – Combating photoaging with percutaneous collagen induction – Clin Dermatol (2008).

M.C. Aust et al. – Percutaneous collagen induction therapy: an alternative treatment for burn scars – Burns (2010).

D. Fernandes – Percutaneous collagen induction: an alternative to laser resurfacing- Aesthetic Surg J (2002).

M.M. Badran et al. – Skin penetration enhancement by a microneedle device in vitro: dependency on needle size and applied formulation – Eur J Pharm Sci (2009).

S. Zeitter et al. – Microneedling: matching the results of medical needling and repetitive treatments to maximize potential for skin regeneration – Burns – (2014).

How To: Microneedling mit Dermaroller zu Hause & im Salon

How to clean your Dermaroller
Disinfect the head of the Dermaroller with the BB Shine Sanitizer.
Spray the head of the Dermaroller generously with the Sanitizer and let it air dry.

Cleaning the face
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap. At the beginning of a microneedling treatment, it is important to remove all residues such as fat, dust, dirt and make-up from the area to be treated. Put a generous amount of the BB Shine – Step 1 Cleansing Gel or a comparable cleansing gel into one hand, spread the gel between your hands and apply it evenly to the face with circular movements. Now take a compress, a clean small towel or a clean cleaning sponge. Soak it with warm water and remove the cleansing gel.

If there are still residues such as make-up or dirt particles on the skin, repeat the process.

Drizzle 2-3 drops of the active ingredient on the first area.

Important: Do not immediately spray the entire treatment area; this is counterproductive, especially for larger areas. Otherwise, the serum will be absorbed elsewhere, even though you have not yet finished needling the first area.

Now roll with the Dermaroller with light pressure over the first area as follows:
5x vertical
5x horizontal
5x diagonal

So the order is always as follows:
1. drizzle skin area with serum.
2. needle skin area.
3. drizzle the next area with serum.
4. needle the new area.

Important: Do not simply roll on to the next area of skin, but set the Dermaroller down between each zone and then reposition it.

Care application
Apply a pump of the BB Shine – Step 8 Hyaluronic Routine Cream or a comparable cream onto one hand, spread the cream between the fingers of both hands and gently press it into the skin. Make sure your skincare doesn’t contain excessive fragrance and is recommended for sensitive skin.


  1. English



    Hello, I have these stripes on the belly and even on the upper arms what me visually really disturbs. I ordered this set because it was recommended to me by my colleague. I’m satisfied, I’ve used it a few times now and I think that next summer I can go sleeveless again. Serum you have to buy more often, the roller I use about three months.

  2. English



    I got the set for my cellulite on the inner thighs and must say that I see the first successes. I had before the use really more dents. Use it now two months.

  3. English

    Nele M.


    Great serum, fast delivery and very good needle quality.

  4. English

    Stefanie M


    It works really well. I’ve used this type of product before, so I knew what to expect. For hygienic reasons, make sure to clean your roller before and after use, with the spray. And stick to the instructions so you don’t overdo it. I highly recommend this kit especially if you’re just starting out.

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