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Dermaroller Hyaluronic Acid Set

Original price was: 76,97€.Current price is: 68,97€.

(8 customer reviews)

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Three-piece BB Shine Dermaroller Set with Hyaluronic Acid Serum, Dermaroller and Sanitizer. Helps with wrinkles and sagging skin.

SKU: 1018 Category:

You save more than 10€ compared to the single purchase!

Individual dermaroller set with top effectiveness, tailored to your needs.

– 1x 0.25mm dermaroller
– 1x 100ml Dermaroller Sanitizer
– 1x 30ml hyaluronic acid serum
– for moisture & anti aging
– effective microneedling at home
– impressive results in a short time

The Dermaroller:
– 0.25mm penetration depth
– 192 real (!), precise needles
– certified & tested product
– High quality processed
– with anti-slip coating
– incl. Premium storage box
– Durable & resistant
– lasts up to 6 months

– stimulates blood circulation
– supports the regeneration of the skin
– activates collagen synthesis
– stimulates elastin synthesis
– Active ingredients are deeply infiltrated
– occupied, excellent results

The perfect solution for home users.

  • Meine Haut ist leider Grobporig, was mich schon immer gestört hat. Dieses Set hat mir echt geholfen das in den Griff zu bekommen. Ich werde sogar darauf angesprochen auf der Arbeit. Ich kann jetzt ohne Make-up aus dem Haus und fĂĽhle mich gut dabei. Ich nutze den Roller Abends und habe mir noch das Ectoin Aloevera Gel als Nachbehandlung bestellt von hier und meine Haut beruhigt sich ĂĽber Nacht.
    Sarah6. November 2022
  • Tolles Teil, tut was es soll. Ich bin zufrieden mit dem Kauf und werde demnächst das Serum nachordern.
    Rita Wohl1. November 2022
  • Hatte vorher einen Roller ohne Serum von einer anderen Firma genutzt. Habe den Eindruck dass dieser viel besser ist. Ich weiĂź nicht ob es an dem Serum liegt aber es tut viel weniger weh und ich sehe einen echten Unterschied. Meine Haut ist viel feiner geworden, selbst eine Stelle an der Wange wo ich ein geplatztes Ă„derchen hatte ist fast verschwunden obwohl das Serum fĂĽr Poren ist. Es hilt scheinbar auch sonst bei anderen Sachen.
    Zeynep14. October 2022
  • Meine Tochter hat sich einen Roller fĂĽr ihre Dehnungsstreifen gekauft und mir auch einen fĂĽr ältere Haut empfohlen. Ich bin mit dem Set super zufrieden, ich benutze den Roller alle 14 Tage und sehe nach 5 Anwendungen deutlich jĂĽnger aus und fĂĽhle mich frisch.
    Birgit6. October 2022
  • Klappt super auch bei dickerer Männerhaut – tut auch nicht so doll weh. Man sieht ein paar Stunden später schon wieder normal aus, und nach drei/vier Anwendungen gibt’s auch echte Unterschiede zu vorher.
    Samuel2. October 2022
  • Macht einen sehr guten Eindruck, mit dem Deinfizierungsspray und dem Hyaluronsäure Serum hat man alle Basics beisammen und kann direkt loslegen. Ich nutze es fĂĽr das Gesicht, den Hals und mein DekolletĂ©. Ich habe den Eindruck das man einen Unterschied bereits nach der Ersten Behandlung erkennt. Das hätte ich nicht erwartet. Echt super !
    Nicole Breitling3. September 2022
  • Top Qualitätsprodukt. Ich will garnicht daran zurĂĽckdenken wie meine Poren vorher aussahen. Ich habe mir noch die LED Maske gegönnt, ich gönn mir ja sonst nichts – richtig gut in der Kombi.
    Linda Pedersen22. March 2022
  • Top Qualität, rollt super, macht keine Geräusche, Nadeln sind sehr fein, man merkt deutlichen Unterschied zu den billigen Produkten.
    Larissa Ewentorf12. March 2022

– 30ml hyaluronic acid serum
– contains high quality salts of hyaluronic acid
– reliably binds moisture in the skin
– regulates the PH value
– inhibits growth of bacteria
– smoothes and tightens the skin
– for excellent results in the shortest possible time
– cruelty free & vegan
– made in germany
– specially manufactured for microneedling
– Perfect for Dermaroller & Dermapen

Incl. Pipette for easy dsipensing and dosing.


Sodium Hyaluronate – Salts of hyaluronic acid. Intensively moisturizes deep into the skin, plumps skin, smoothes wrinkles and lines, enters deep into the skin.
Pentylene glycol – polyhydric alcohol, has the ability to bind water.
Butylene Glycol – Helps the skin retain moisture better, making it look plumper and smoother
Lactic Acid – Lactic acid has a hydrating and pH-regulating effect, inhibits the growth of microorganisms.

What is the difference between Sodium Hyaluronate and Hyaluronic Acid?
Sodium hyaluronate has a lower molecular density, which means that it can enter the skin much deeper than hyaluronic acid. However, it still has all the positive qualities that classic hyaluronic acid also has. Therefore, our serums always contain Sodium Hyaluronate and not Hyaluronic Acid.

This serum contains No PEGs, paraffines, microplastics, fragrances or dyes.

The 0.25mm Dermaroller shows excellent efficacy in the treatment of:

– smaller scars
– Acne, age & pigment spots
– large pores
– Blackheads
– impure skin
– Redness & uneven skin tone

BB Shine - Step 4 - Hyaluron Konzentrat - Microneedling Serum Hyaluonsäure Microneedling Hyaluron Serum BB Glow Hyaluron 3


❌ untested device
❌ quickly breaks down
❌ uncontrolled injuries
❌ Fake needles
❌ non-sterile serum with fillers
❌ is shipped from Asia


âś… certified, safe device
âś… very durable
âś… excellent results
âś… 100% real needles
âś… Serum made in DE
âś… 24h shipping from DE

You can find your detailed instructions for the Microneedling Treatment here.

Microneedling has shown high effectiveness in various studies.
The skin is targeted with sterile needles to inflict minute injuries.

– 1. regeneration of skin cells is stimulated
– 2. blood circulation is increased
– 3. elastin & collagen synthesis is increased
– 4. active ingredients enter deep into the skin

Over time, the skin’s own regeneration becomes slower and slower and the synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases. That is why the skin of older people also looks completely different from that of young people. This is exactly where microneedling comes in: The targeted, safe micro-injuries to the skin awaken the body’s own repair mechanism. Collagen and elastin are synthesized again in greater quantities.

The small pinpricks act like channels through which the active ingredients of serums reach exactly where they are needed. The effect is thus increased by up to 10 times.

Unlike many other cosmetic industry promises, microneedling has real evidence of effectiveness in the form of studies. Here is a small excerpt:

D. Fernandes et al. – Combating photoaging with percutaneous collagen induction – Clin Dermatol (2008).

M.C. Aust et al. – Percutaneous collagen induction therapy: an alternative treatment for burn scars – Burns (2010).

D. Fernandes – Percutaneous collagen induction: an alternative to laser resurfacing- Aesthetic Surg J (2002).

M.M. Badran et al. – Skin penetration enhancement by a microneedle device in vitro: dependency on needle size and applied formulation – Eur J Pharm Sci (2009).

S. Zeitter et al. – Microneedling: matching the results of medical needling and repetitive treatments to maximize potential for skin regeneration – Burns – (2014).

How To: Microneedling mit Dermaroller zu Hause & im Salon

How to clean your Dermaroller
Disinfect the head of the Dermaroller with the BB Shine Sanitizer.
Spray the head of the Dermaroller generously with the Sanitizer and let it air dry.

Cleaning the face
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap. At the beginning of a microneedling treatment, it is important to remove all residues such as fat, dust, dirt and make-up from the area to be treated. Put a generous amount of the BB Shine – Step 1 Cleansing Gel or a comparable cleansing gel into one hand, spread the gel between your hands and apply it evenly to the face with circular movements. Now take a compress, a clean small towel or a clean cleaning sponge. Soak it with warm water and remove the cleansing gel.

If there are still residues such as make-up or dirt particles on the skin, repeat the process.

Drizzle 2-3 drops of the active ingredient on the first area.

Important: Do not immediately spray the entire treatment area; this is counterproductive, especially for larger areas. Otherwise, the serum will be absorbed elsewhere, even though you have not yet finished needling the first area.

Now roll with the Dermaroller with light pressure over the first area as follows:
5x vertical
5x horizontal
5x diagonal

So the order is always as follows:
1. drizzle skin area with serum.
2. needle skin area.
3. drizzle the next area with serum.
4. needle the new area.

Important: Do not simply roll on to the next area of skin, but set the Dermaroller down between each zone and then reposition it.

Care application
Apply a pump of the BB Shine – Step 8 Hyaluronic Routine Cream or a comparable cream onto one hand, spread the cream between the fingers of both hands and gently press it into the skin. Make sure your skincare doesn’t contain excessive fragrance and is recommended for sensitive skin.


  1. English



    My skin is unfortunately coarse pored, which has always bothered me. This set has really helped me to handle it. I am even asked about it at work. I can now leave the house without makeup and feel good about it. I use the roller in the evening and have ordered the Ectoin Aloevera Gel as an after-treatment from here and my skin calms down overnight.

  2. English

    Rita Wohl


    Great piece, does what it should. I am satisfied with the purchase and will soon reorder the serum.

  3. English



    Had previously used a roller without serum from another company. Have the impression that this is much better. I do not know if it is because of the serum but it hurts much less and I see a real difference. My skin has become much finer, even a spot on my cheek where I had a burst vein has almost disappeared although the serum is for pores. It seems to help with other things as well.

  4. English



    My daughter bought a roller for her stretch marks and also recommended me one for older skin. I am super happy with the set, I use the roller every 14 days and after 5 applications I look much younger and feel fresh.

  5. English



    Works great even with thicker male skin – does not hurt so much. You look a few hours later already back to normal, and after three / four applications’s also real differences from before.

  6. English

    Nicole Breitling


    Makes a very good impression, with the disinfecting spray and the hyaluronic acid serum you have all the basics together and can get started right away. I use it for the face, neck and décolleté. I have the impression that you can already see a difference after the first treatment. I would not have expected that. Really great!

  7. English

    Linda Pedersen


    Top quality product. I do not want to think back to how my pores looked before. I have also treated myself to the LED mask, I treat myself to nothing else – really good in the combination.

  8. English

    Larissa Ewentorf


    Top quality, rolls smoothly, makes no noise, needles are very fine, you notice clear difference from the cheap products.

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